Category : Product

Low-Voltage High-Current Make Switch (LVHC MS)

Posté le 25 January 2023

Make Switches play an essential role within power laboratories intended to test and certify electrical equipment through their ability to establish short circuits at the desired point of the electrical wave. Until now, most of the Make Switches have been placed in the primary circuit of the facility between the generator and the transformer, with […]

Circuit Breaker Hydraulic Operating Mechanism: FOCUS ON RUSSIA

Posté le 2 April 2021

A global supplier of Circuit Breaker components, Etna-Industrie is proud of its success in Russia, where our presence dates back to 2007, uninterrupted by changes in the economic and political situation. Etna-Industrie supplies the Russian market not only with Hydraulic Operating Mechanisms designed for air-insulated and gas-insulated Circuit Breakers in substations rated up to 330 […]

52 kV Make Switch – ETNA partner of HPL Expansion

Posté le 4 January 2021

State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, one of the most prestigious  player of Electrical Power Grid in China, is expanding its testing capability network. ETNA is accompanying its growth by supplying user friendly, up to date design 52 kV Make Switch, as part of global investment realized in Changzhou. The 52 kV Make Switch has […]

HPL – High Power Laboratories

Posté le 22 July 2020

Stop talking about SHUNTS – Let’s speak about CVR (Current Viewing Resistors) CVR‘s are rugged high frequency resistors designed to sustain the very high peak power and current inputs generated by capacitor banks, pulse generator systems, and steady state current loads. Their linear response over a broad band pass provides an accurate indication of current […]

Fluid regulation by Etna Industrie

Posté le 15 May 2017

ETNA Industrie designs and manufactures pneumatic and hydraulic solutions for numerous applications including the regulation of fluids.

Make Switch, for which reason ?

Posté le 7 February 2017

If the name itself is disconcerting, the worldwide famous product is also complex. Since 1966, Make switch answered specific requirements of high power or high Voltage type test laboratories. Make Switch’s mission : create a short-circuit Electric laboratories aim at testing and certifying high voltage or high power electronic devices (circuit breakers, transformers, specific components…). […]