Good news and success: ETNA Industrie accepts the challenge proposed by MERSEN

Respecting the lead time and guaranteeing our supply chain are nowadays key factors to be looked after from the earliest stages of a new project, particularly, as we are now in a very complex period during which we must continue to manage our industrial commitments while dealing with the consequences :
- of the sanitary crisis
- and the war in Ukraine.
In late September 2022, MERSEN contacted us to replace their make switches that equip their electrical laboratory built in the early 1980’s. Beyond technical characteristics, which are prerequisites (space requirements, SF6 free insulation etc…), we have been imposed a supplementary requirement: Delivering make switches within 4 months whereas our lead time is typically from 8 to 10 months.
With such a lead time, it is not an option to make a commitment without first ensuring it can be achieved.
Diligence, Availability, Team spirit are the three main pillars of ETNA Industrie. Design, Engineering, Purchasing, Ordering, Production teams have met to build up our technical and commercial proposal. We submitted the offer within few days and have received the order the day after.
Rest of job was not so smooth.
To face this challenge, ETNA Industrie setted-up a project management strategy by identifying the teams dedicated to each production step. From Engineering to assembly and up to final delivery. Each team was in charge of its own tasks and had to communicate accurately with others to guarantee the project was on the good path.
Finally, we have delivered the make switch in the given time and by the time MERSEN implements the upgrades in their laboratory, the commissioning will take place next July.
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